Two Griffins Selected for Nike Game Growers Program

Congratulations are in order for two Grace Griffins who were recently selected to be a part of Nike Game Growers.
The program, which collaborates with the WNBA and NBA, aims to increase sports participation for girls, ultimately bringing positive change to different communities across the country. 

Seventh graders Pia E. and Auden F. submitted their application in Winter 2021, focusing on a desire to build a girl-to-girl mentorship program between elementary and middle school-aged athletes. Though the program would begin here at Grace, their plan notes an intention to collaborate with other schools across the country, as well as branching out into several other entities including “[a] website, podcast, youtube channel, online clinics and art advertising.” With their winning application, Pia and Auden will be the sole representatives of New York State in this year’s program and will be working with the New York Liberty. They will also be attending a virtual leadership conference hosted by Nike in the coming weeks.
Just before hitting the court for a basketball game on January 19, Pia and Auden were surprised by NY Liberty Guard Didi Richards, who joined them for pre-game stretching just before telling them the good news. The students got the chance to briefly speak with Didi about their career and love of sports, and were also given gift bags to commemorate their accomplishment. Shortly after, Grace’s High School Cheer Team greeted the young athletes and lauded them with a special cheer. 

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